When students move to Key Stage 1, they continue their journey of discovery; discovery of themselves, others and the world around them. Young learners continue to develop academically, physically and socially. To help students make the transition from FS2 to Y1, we encourage similar Early Years practices for at least the first term of Year One. KS1 curriculum follows Cambridge standards in Literacy, Numeracy, Science and Global Perspectives.
The Global Perspectives programme develops the skills of research, analysis, evaluation, reflection, collaboration and communication. The skills are taught through a wide range of topics using a personal, local and global perspective. Teachers help students to look at various global issues or topics that give a range of contexts.
Circle Time is a popular activity adopted in Key Stage 1 to help develop positive relationships between children. It aims to give them tools to engage with and listen to each other. The whole class takes part in Circle Time at the same time, led by their teacher, who sits in the circle. The circle encourages unity, respect, turn-taking and working together towards a shared vision. Specialist lessons complement the delivery of the Key Stage 1 curriculum and include Second Language, Music, Arts, Computing, Arabic, Religion and Physical Education.
Ongoing assessments and observations inform teachers of areas of focus for future planning and learning experiences whilst allowing teachers to successfully track and monitor student attainment and progress.
Key Stage Two includes Years 3 to 6. We follow Cambridge standards in English, Math, Science and Global Perspectives. Alongside this, students study the Egyptian Ministry of Education curriculum in Arabic language, Religion and Social Studies. We continue to provide an enjoyable, interactive education and a rich engaging learning experience.
Our young learners continue to grow and develop into self-confident independent learners while showing more awareness of themselves, people and the world around them. Specialist lessons complement the delivery of the Key Stage 2 curriculum and include Second Language, Music, Art, Computing, Arabic, Religion and Physical Education.
At the end of Key Stage 2, students sit their Cambridge Primary Checkpoint exams which are designed to assess learners at the end of Cambridge Primary. It is available in English, mathematics, science and Cambridge Global Perspectives.
Throughout Years 7-9, the curriculum is broad, stimulating, and exciting. It aims to expose students to a broad range of subjects to let them discover their passions.
The curriculum is coherent and engaging. It builds on Key Stage 2 by developing students’ knowledge and promoting independent learning.
By the end of Year 9, students sit the Cambridge Core Exams in English, math and science, in addition to the Ministry subjects. By the end of Key Stage 3, our learners should have a good sense of where their strengths and passions lie, so should have a good idea of which subjects they’ll take into their International GCSE-level studies.
Key Stage 4 marks an important milestone in a student’s education, as it is the last three years of compulsory school.
At our secondary school, we help our students make academic choices and prepare for the exams with university requirements of the top universities in Egypt and around the world.
We base our secondary school curriculum on the UK education system, following the British National Curriculum known as the International General Certificates of Secondary Education (IGCSE). These exams are recognised by universities worldwide.